Sample Letter of Explanation For Criminal Records: How to Write it!

Having a criminal record can present challenges in various aspects of life, including employment, housing, or other opportunities. However, writing a letter to explain your criminal record is a proactive step toward addressing concerns and showcasing your commitment to personal growth and positive change.

Here’s a guide on how to construct an effective letter that reflects sincerity and responsibility.


  1. Address the Recipient Appropriately:

Begin your letter with a formal salutation, addressing the recipient by name and, if applicable, their title or position. This sets a respectful and professional tone for your communication.


  1. Introduce Yourself and Purpose:

In the opening paragraph, introduce yourself and clearly state the purpose of your letter. Be concise in expressing your intention to explain your criminal record and provide context for any concerns the recipient may have.


  1. Provide a Brief Overview of the Criminal Record:

Offer a brief and honest overview of the criminal charges you faced. Clearly state the nature of the offenses and the circumstances surrounding them, ensuring transparency without unnecessary detail.


  1. Accept Responsibility:

Take full responsibility for your actions. Acknowledge any harm caused and express genuine remorse. This demonstrates maturity and accountability, which are crucial aspects of showcasing personal growth.


  1. Explain Circumstances Leading to the Offenses:

Provide context for the incidents by explaining any personal struggles, challenges, or circumstances that may have contributed to your poor decision-making. This is not an excuse but rather an opportunity to showcase self-awareness and reflection.


  1. Detail Rehabilitation Efforts:

Highlight the steps you have taken to address the root causes of your actions. Discuss any rehabilitation programs, counseling, therapy, or educational initiatives you have completed. Emphasize your commitment to self-improvement.


  1. Demonstrate Positive Changes:

Describe the positive changes in your life since the incidents. Discuss how you have actively worked towards personal growth, emphasizing any accomplishments, educational pursuits, or employment that reflect your dedication to a more positive lifestyle.


  1. Community Involvement:

If applicable, mention your involvement in community service or volunteer work. This demonstrates your commitment to giving back and contributing positively to society.


  1. Express Future Commitments:

Clearly state your commitment to maintaining a law-abiding and responsible lifestyle in the future. Articulate your dedication to learning from past mistakes and making choices aligned with positive values.


  1. Request Consideration:

Conclude the letter by directly expressing your request for understanding and consideration. Clearly state what you are seeking, whether it’s employment, housing, or another opportunity, and express your genuine desire for an opportunity to prove yourself.


  1. Provide Contact Information:

Include your contact information to facilitate further communication. Encourage the recipient to reach out if they have any questions or require additional information.


  1. Closing:

End the letter with a polite closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Best Regards.” Thank the recipient for their time and consideration, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to provide an explanation.


Sample Letters of Explanation for Criminal Record

Example 1

man with laptop

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]



[Landlord’s Name]

[Property Management Company]

[Property Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]


Subject: Open and Honest Explanation Regarding Misdemeanor Charges


Dear [Landlord’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. My name is [Your Name], and I am writing to you as a prospective tenant for [apartment address]. I understand that a thorough background check will reveal some misdemeanor charges on my record, and I believe it is crucial for me to be transparent about the circumstances surrounding those incidents.


Several years ago, I went through an incredibly challenging period in my life marked by the loss of my beloved wife. The weight of grief and the overwhelming sense of loss led me into a dark space where I struggled to cope. Unfortunately, during this time, I made some regrettable decisions that resulted in misdemeanor charges, including DUI, disorderly conduct, and assault.


I want to be clear that I am not offering these circumstances as excuses but rather as a sincere acknowledgment of the events that transpired. Since that difficult period, I have embarked on a profound journey of personal growth and self-improvement.


The combination of therapy, AA meetings, and anger management sessions has played a pivotal role in helping me confront the root causes of my actions. I’ve taken a proactive approach to address my struggles with alcohol and anger, recognizing that they were contributing factors to the mistakes I made. I wholeheartedly accept responsibility for my past actions.


It is with deep remorse that I reflect on the pain my actions may have caused. I am truly sorry for any disruptions or concerns they may raise. I want to assure you that those incidents are not reflective of the person I am today.


In my pursuit of healing and growth, I have not only completed therapy, AA meetings, and anger management sessions but have also engaged in ongoing self-improvement efforts. I actively participate in community service as a way of giving back and fostering positive change within society. I’ve found strength in the support networks provided by therapy and AA meetings, helping me build resilience and a healthier mindset.


I share this with you not to garner sympathy but to demonstrate the profound changes that have taken place in my life. I am committed to being a responsible, law-abiding tenant and a positive presence in your community.


I understand the importance of maintaining a safe and harmonious living environment for all residents. If granted the opportunity, I assure you that my past will not define my future actions. I am confident in my ability to contribute positively to the community at [apartment address].


Thank you for considering my application. I am more than willing to discuss this matter further and provide any additional information if needed. I look forward to the possibility of becoming a responsible tenant at [apartment address].


[Your Name]


Letter 2


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]



[Department of Motor Vehicles]

[DMV Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]


Subject: Explanation of DUI Charge and Request for License Reinstatement


Dear [DMV Officer’s Name],

I trust this letter finds you well. I am writing to the Department of Motor Vehicles to provide a candid and transparent account of a past incident that has had a profound impact on my life, particularly concerning my revoked driver’s license.


In [year], I faced a DUI charge, a period in my life marked by personal struggles, particularly with depression. The circumstances surrounding that incident are not excuses but rather an acknowledgment of a challenging time in my life.


I want to make it clear that I fully accept responsibility for my actions. Driving under the influence is a serious offense, and I deeply regret the choices I made on that day. I recognize the potential consequences of such actions and the importance of maintaining road safety.


During that time, I was grappling with severe depression, which clouded my judgment and led to poor decision-making. It is not an attempt to justify my actions, but an explanation of the factors that contributed to the regrettable incident.


Since the incident, I have sought professional help to address my mental health issues. I have undergone therapy, which has been instrumental in helping me understand and manage my emotions. Through these sessions, I’ve developed coping mechanisms to deal with stress and depression more effectively.


Recognizing the gravity of the situation, I have been attending Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings regularly. These meetings have provided me with a support system and a platform for self-reflection. They have been essential in reinforcing my commitment to sobriety.


In an effort to make amends for my actions, I have actively engaged in community service. This has not only allowed me to give back to society but has also been a crucial part of my rehabilitation process. Contributing positively to the community is an ongoing commitment that I take seriously.


I understand the severity of the offense and the importance of road safety. I am writing to humbly request the reinstatement of my driver’s license. I want to assure the Department of Motor Vehicles that the person who faced those charges is not the person I am today.


I have made substantial progress in addressing the issues that led to the DUI charge, and I am committed to being a responsible and law-abiding driver. If granted the opportunity, I am confident in my ability to uphold the principles of safe driving and contribute positively to road safety.


I appreciate your time and consideration. I am available for any discussions or inquiries you may have. Thank you for your understanding, and I look forward to the possibility of reinstating my driver’s license.



[Your Name]


Remember, honesty, humility, and a focus on personal growth are key elements in crafting an effective letter explaining your criminal record. Each letter should be tailored to the specific circumstances and the nature of your request. If in doubt, seek legal advice for guidance on addressing your unique situation.






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